Sunday 13 January 2013

Developing my idea - Transformation

As i explained in my previous post , Roy Lichtenstein is the main artist that inspired me in my design. By including the patterns (in the picture below) in my final design it will automatically shows transformation in the way that it is going to be "coloured". Usually Mad Hatter's hat is not pop-art that's why I'm thinking about designing it like that , to create transformation.

In his way of patterns and designs , Lichtenstein uses mainly the primary colours : blue , red & yellow . Using his way of design , i will transform the Mad Hatter's hat into a Pop design .

This is my edited picture of the hat : 

I'm liking the editing so far... but I might do some changes to the patterns of the hat , and transform it into a pleasant jewelry box, because in my opinion as an artist student the patterns looks more like just thrown there and that's it , and i don't want that... I want people to like and understand the way I designed my Final Design.

Sources : 

Mad hatter's hat  [ONLINE] Available at:,r:3,s:0,i:87. [Accessed 13 January 2013].

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